Saturday 19 February 2011

The Science is coming to get us...

Emeritus Professor and Fellow of King's College Cambridge Bob Rowthorn recently published a perturbing paper.

Using basic genetic ideas as well as the idea that in the western world religious people are likely to have more children that their secular peers, he concludes that a genetic predisposition towards joining a religion is likely to dominate the population in the future.

Rowthorne says that an individual's leaning toward religious belief is determined by a 'religiosity' gene which makes then more likely than average to become or remain religious.

Some people, even though they carry the religiosity gene, will of course abscond from religion due to a variety of environmental factors but even a high defection rate wont stop the flood he argues.

The rationale behind this is interesting.
Known as 'Cultural Hitch-hiking' some genes take advantage of the fact that certain cultural practices (like high fertility rates) allow for high proliferation.

So what of the defectors? When they spread their seed amongst the secularists, offspring will potentially pass on the religiosity gene, widening the reach of the predisposition towards religion.

Where's a good proof against religion when you need one?!

Click Here for original article.

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